How to Use Herbal Remedies for Cold Sores

How to Use Herbal Remedies for Cold Sores

Cold sores can be painful and usually last between 7 and 10 days. They are caused by the herpes simplex virus and can be contagious between people. Cold sores begin with a tingling feeling outside the areas of your lips. Then they turn into red, fluid filled painful blisters within a day or so. Herbal remedies for this condition can minimize the pain.


Choose black walnut to cure cold sores and blisters. This well known herbal remedy works as an antiseptic because it has a large amount of natural iodine. It can be used both externally and internally to treat cold sores. Apply black walnut extract on the cold sores several times a day.


Use comfrey salve which will help with the healing process of cold sores. This herb is a cell proliferate, and it will help your body heal faster than normal. Use a sanitized needle and lightly prick and poke the cold sores. Now apply the comfrey salve externally on your cold sores for quick results.


Cover your cold sores with cooling aloe vera gel. Aloe vera works as a remedy for cold sores. You can apply it to cold sores many times in the day. It will heal the sores in a kind and gentle manner.


Dab ViraSoothe on your cold sores. This product has been used worldwide as a cold sore remedy. It can bring immediate cooling and relief to any cold sore pain. It can, at times, completely eliminate the symptoms of cold sores.


Try a tea bag! You can apply a moist and warm herbal tea bag over your cold sore and allow it to reduce the symptoms of a cold sore. Use a tea bag that contains tannic acid in it for best results.