How to Selling Vintage Clothing to a Consignment Store

How to Selling Vintage Clothing to a Consignment Store

Need a little extra pocket change? Supplementing your income could be as easy as ridding yourself of old clothes. The growing popularity of vintage clothing has resulted in trendy boutiques specializing in duds of yesteryear. These stores will give you cash for your unwanted clothing, but before you load up that hefty bag full of your closet's rejects, consider these guidelines to maximize your sales.

Things You'll Need:

Portable storage container



Go through your closet and dresser drawers with a critical eye. Form three piles of clothing representing what will be sold, donated and disposed of.


Evaluate the desirability of the clothing and decide if it's right for a hip resale boutique known for funky fashions. Think about "what the kids are wearing" and determine what has the greatest selling potential.


Clean the clothes you are going to sell. It sucks to buy dirty clothes, so why subject someone to that.


Enhance the appearance of the garments. Iron, sew on missing buttons and perform other necessary repairs to make them more presentable.


Neatly fold clothing and place in a portable storage container. This will work to your advantage when presenting them to the buyer.

Tips & Warnings

Go through the pockets of your clothes before you sell them.

Expect to spend an hour at the store. Most will require you to wait while they survey your goods.

You will likely be offered in-store credit valued at more than the cash amount. Remember why you're getting rid of the clothes and take the money.

Don't expect to unload everything. Buyers have a discriminating eye and are looking for very specific styles and brands. Other resale shops may be interested in what one store rejects.

Vintage t-shirts with popular logos and funny sayings are always popular. Be sure to include these items in your final selection.

Select articles of clothing that are appropriate for the season. Just like any fashion boutique, inventory at a vintage clothing store reflects the time of year.

Even though vintage clothing is old, it shouldn't look worn and ratty. Don't include stained, torn, or badly damaged clothing.